My Winter TBR List

Tis that time again. Not only is it the weekly Broke and the Bookish meme time, but it is the annual dose of optimism that our to-be-read lists for the season imply.

I always mean to read my entire list, but it has yet to happen. Other books distract me from my goals or life gets in the way of my reading habits. But it is still fun to create these lists of wishful thinking!

This winter, I’m setting myself up for a certain degree of success by adding some things that are currently stacked up on my bedside table from the library. I say a certain degree because I have been foiled by due dates before. Still, onward with the list!

*Pictures and links sourced from Goodreads*

Wideacre  (The Wideacre Trilogy, #1)

1. Wideacre by Philippa Gregory

Philippa Gregory is one of my favorite novelists. Her books are often dense and rife with details. I have never quite gotten around to reading her Wideacre trilogy though. So I’m hoping to at least start the series this winter.


2. Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm

I actually received this book from a Goodreads giveaway, which is very exciting because I’ve never won one before! So I’m stoked to read and review this book for you. It’s Scherm’s debut novel and it promises to be an intriguing mystery.

Prototype: A Novel

3. Prototype by M.D. Waters

Sigh. This book was on my fall TBR list, but it was also the book that got away. I have about fourteen things checked out from the library at the moment and with such a hefty stack sometimes things get away from me. They come due and I haven’t read them yet. Back onto the wait list I go and I’ve got no one to blame but myself.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

4. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

It’s a paranormal, post-apocalyptic novel. I’m so ready for this to be good. My library’s website is awesome and has a list section for new arrivals as well as for what my local librarians are reading. I found this book through the latter list and when book blogs started showing some love, it confirmed my suspicion that this book needed to be read.

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)

5. Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

The internet made me do it. Every week on the Top Ten Tuesday post, someone manages to have this thing (or one of the other books in the series) on their list. So my curiosity is getting the better of me here. Very excited!

Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's "Learned"

6. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham

In the last year or so I’ve gone out of my way to read more female autobiographies: Betty White, Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling. Whether you love her or hate her, Lena Dunham’s story seems intriguing to me. Either way, I’m sure I’ll have a stronger opinion of her at the end of the book.

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)

7. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I think this was in another of my Top Ten Tuesday posts, but I can’t remember what the topic was. Anyway, I’m ready to read this one and get more involved in Meyer’s world.

Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy, #1)

8. Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey

Of all the books on my winter TBR list, this one is probably the least likely to actually get read. I very much want to read this novel, I just keep prioritizing other books ahead of it. Fingers crossed I actually crack the spine on this one!

Yes Please

9. Yes, Please by Amy Poehler

I’d like to read this book for much the same reasons as the Lena Dunham piece. This book is actually in my possession and it has a glorious heaviness to it. The paper is glossy, the stock is thick, and I am beyond pumped to read this memoir!

The Cuckoo's Calling (Cormoran Strike, #1)

10. The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (a.k.a J.K. Rowling)

I’ve been meaning to pick up this mystery series for a while. And there’s something about cold weather that makes me want to snuggle down under the covers with a good mystery.

So without meaning to, I created a winter TBR exclusively written by women. Pretty cool! If I can actually make this happen and read them all, then it will be even cooler!

Thanks for popping in!

10 thoughts on “My Winter TBR List

  1. I bought “Wideacre” years ago back when I was making my way through all of Philippa Gregory’s books and have yet to read it! One of these days… If you like her books, have you watched “The White Queen” miniseries? I watched it on DVD earlier this year and loved it! I also need to read “Scarlet.” I liked “Cinder” pretty well and I’m looking forward to another quick, fun read.


    • I haven’t seen The White Queen yet, but I’d love to see how that turned out! I’m a big Philippa Gregory fan, so it should be my kind of show. And I’m actually reading Wideacre now! Enjoying it so far!


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